Friday, January 21, 2011



When we think of God, most often we see a modernized Judeo-Christian portrayal, the same image broadcast by the media. Perhaps an older fellow with a large gray beard, flowing white robes, maybe some sandals ala Air Moses, but rarely do we stop to think, mostly due to the paradigms we live life according to; Is this REALLY God?

Shouldn't you instead stop and think, "What does God always encompass?", or rather, "What qualities does God always seem to have in most spiritually inclined belief structures?" Then, I feel, you would begin to see a total truth and formulate a real image of who or what God is, outside of all the religious Dogma.

    The basic parameters for a single, universe ruling God seem to be the following:
  • All Knowing
  • All Powerful
  • Was the first, will be the last.
  • Either is the father/mother of, or the origin of all things. He/she is connected to everything.
  • Most claim God and everything are the same. Everything is made of God, God is everything.
  • God has a sense of justice. There is always compensation for actions, punishment or reward.
  • God has a close connection to Mankind.
From those few points we can infer the following:
  • God = Everywhere
  • God = Everything
  • God = Strongest force in the Universe

Science shows us that we are a part of a theoretically “finite” universe that continues to grow and warp. There are "empty" spaces, and no discernible beginning or end. As things are made, others are destroyed, the universe is constantly recycling matter. However, we can conclude that the  universe is in fact quite infinite, regardless of perceived measurement. A remarkably perpetual existence and the extent of everything we know to this point. Therefore I purpose:

  • Universe = Everywhere
  • Universe = Everything
  • Universe = Infinite
Now obviously we can make some simple assumptions(Not to make an ass of anyone):
  • God = Universe
  • God = Strongest force in God
  • God = Infinite
    Religious belief systems rarely accept one another as truth, but realistically they all preach an almost exact message:
  • Love and Respect God
  • Love and Respect each other
  • Love and Respect yourself
One could take all commands, all decrees and put them into one of these categories.
Do not Steal -> Love and respect each other
Do not Envy -> Love and respect yourself
Spread Faith -> Love and respect God
Steward the Earth -> Love and respect everything
When you begin to see God as literally everything it all truthfully comes down to one simple command. Love and Respect God.

    If I am God, and you are God, and every person, plant, animal, river, star, cloud, etc. is God, then it is simple to see. Loving yourself is loving God. Loving your neighbor is loving God. Loving to paint is loving God. People often try to say “give honor to God” as if the simple act of putting a true loving heart into anything doesn’t in its self honor God.

    Performing to your best is a phenomenal way of becoming like God. We are said to come from God, even made in his image. What child does not try to be more like their parent? I don’t think of religion in a spiritual fashion any longer, for I think all existence is a spiritual issue. 

Spend a day living like everything is an expression of yourself, an expression of God. It will be the most remarkable, eye-opening experience. The world is a much more beautiful place then most of us believe. I told you I would help you to see God, find out who YOU are. The reason you search so earnestly, the reason you feel attached to something BIGGER than yourself; You are a perfectly formulated piece of the "God puzzle". Break free from your dogmatic prison, tearing away doubts, fears and beliefs. You are everything perfect in this world, start living like it. This is your moment of freedom.

I will continue to share my insights, feel free to take them for yourself; after all, they are already yours.

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