My name is Benjamin Bizzell. I have always had a serious drive to investigate the spiritual side of life. I was raised in a highly diverse spiritual environment. Having access from a young age to a wealth of esoteric knowledge has allowed me to maintain a very open-minded approach to religion. The majority of my life I received a christian-based education, which prevented my mind from going stagnant, always musing on "the bigger picture". As I matured into a young adult I challenged my beliefs, constantly seeking a greater truth outside of the dogmas of the church. This led me to delve into all manners of spirituality. I have learned a lot in my short years and it is a dream of mine to share what I have found with the world and to better the lives of others. I started this blog to do just that! Here, you will find valuable truths that can change your life for the better! Join me as I share with you my piece of the puzzle and watch as your consciousness begins to shift!